Me. Doing what I do best. Having a good time, at a fun place, and eating sushi!

I am pretty open about everything. Those of you that I have talked to in person I have let in on my not so little "secret". I had a weight loss surgery this week and a lot of my friends and family have had questions. Also, before the procedure I was looking up different blogs on how this procedure has worked for others. I thought I could do the same if it could help some one else with any questions they might have. So, for those of you who don't want to read about my ups and downs through this and only log on to check in on Rach and the family, let me know and maybe I will do another blog just on my procedure information.
In the beginning...(haha - like anything in my life is that dramatic!) I was referred by my regular physician to undergo weight loss surgery due to the amount of time I have been overweight and my family history of diabetes and heart disease. This was two years ago. I thought, "I don't have any medical issues like other fatties. I'm a confident, healthy, pretty hip fatty." I was just going to have to succeed on a diet one more time. I tried many, some that I hid and some that I did not. After soul searching - and honestly another demand this last fall by my doctor I decided to look more into it.
My options were the gastric bypass or the lap band. I chose the lap band. The gastric bypass has too many limitations for me, and the idea of having my stomach re-routed directly to my poop shoot didn't exactly thrill me. Also, the gastric bypass is more evasive and not reversible. However, people loose a significant amount of weight with the gastric bypass. That idea was pretty enticing, but I still thought it was not the choice for me. Hell, for years I have thought both were crazy and people who underwent them were out to fucking lunch (sorry, but I felt very passionately about it at the time).
So, last fall I started going to meetings and therapy and other doctors to see what they had to say. It was the same thing from every direction. Get the lap band. Use it as ONLY a tool. Get your head ready for changing my body the way I want it to be. Get used to changing my eating and exercise habits ( funny - exercise habits, the only habit I have with exercise is that I hate it and I am not consistent ).
December met my surgeon.
January started Weight Watchers with a friend from work (whom is doing fantastic on it by the way - I am so excited for her! I have never met another gal that I can honestly say deserves to look as beautiful on the outside as she is on the inside - truly she is a wonderful person!)
February started doing the pre-surgery appointments and got a surgery date of March 23rd.
March 9th started the two week 600 calorie a day protein shake. - Oh, good Lord, I am so sorry to all of my co-workers. I had a difficult time on this at work. Living on protein shakes can make a fat girl who loves food a little bitter (not to mention jealous of what the others packed in their lunch bag for work that day - damn skinny bitches! - j/k girls, you know I love you if are reading this).
The two weeks pre-band protein shake. Those of you whom are looking into having this surgery this is a HUGE step in the process and I want to share my experience with you because I wish I could have found a blog that would have given me some insight on it. Next blog to come later. This rambling has been long enough ( oh my, but what great therapy - who would have thought!)