I have been cheating with FaceBook

Family picture from a wedding we attended this last weekend.  Excuse my daughter's silly face, she refused to wear her sunglasses we brought for her - silly girl.

Im so behind on updating my blog.  Im sorry.  I have gotten numerous emails from friends and people from the hospital who want to know how things are going.  Things are great!  With all the time I take out of my day for my new life style, and I can't lie - facebook - I'm super lagging on my blog.  Facebook sucked me in.  I was checking to see what everyone was doing ALL the time.  Well, with the weather being so nice the past few days I am realizing that I cant keep that up anymore.  So, I am only going to check FB only when I work and try to update my blog every other week or so.

I will post something in the next few days scouts honor!  It will not be as frequent any more in reference to my weight loss - that bit of information is being posted on a private hospital website.    I do want to get better at updating my daughter's little journeys and still keep up with my responsibilities at home.  Thank you all for your emails and support - its been awesome!  I will keep my updates current through the hospital for all of my friends who check this and are considering wls.  

1 comment:

Alisha said...

So happy you are doing good. I definitely know how FB sucks you right in! Love the new pic of you guys :)