I'm sorry.  I'm not even going to make up a story about how busy I have been (although I have been busy, February is a busy month in our house).  I have been sucked into the FB zone.  Those of you who read this know what that is.  And even if you don't check in and see how we are doing by a little phone call or e-mail, you have talked to Nathan or I via Facebook.

Well,  I'm sad to say but I might not keep my blog going for too much longer.  I started this to keep up with friends and family that live elsewhere, but now we have all seemed to have moved to ...facebook.  

Rachael's birthday was our big event for February, I posted those pictures on facebook.  I was posting recipes every so often on my little family blog, but I don't think that will be happening anymore.  So, for now I am not going to delete my blog, but I have nothing exciting to post that isn't already out there on the Internet.

I am however possibly thinking of keeping my journal about my upcoming adventure in weight loss surgery and possibly posting that on my blog.  Although, Im not even sure how interesting that will be.  Lemme know what you think friends.  And if I dont hear from you, I will chat with you on FB!


Nicole said...

When is the surgery? Please keep us posted. Bummed you are deleting your blog. I like seeing Rachael on here and what she is up to. Hopefully we can get together soon. Probably after Tony leaves.

Tine said...

Oh no! Don't delete your blog! Makayla loves looking at it! FB will pass, trust me! Just a phase that might last a little bit longer than MS. Plus it's healthy for you to jot down a journal like this.

Marla said...

you can add your blog to your FB notes.. that way anyone who wants to see your photos can on FB by looking at your notes but you don't have to upload them into FB...do that.. I like the blog better!!

Bianka said...

I like Marla's idea.. I'll have to ask her how to connect my blog to facebook, cuz I like the blog better too!

I think you should keep a log of your surgery. I had a friend that had surgery for a chronic condition (different kind). She blogged about it, and she got a lot of feedback from people saying how much it helped them to read that they weren't the only ones going through the experience.