When it comes to raising our children is this technology better? I'm sure this question is debated lots of places by plenty. The reason I have really been kicking this around is because yesterday my husband and I got our 4 almost 5 year old daughter an ipod shuffle. This thing is pretty neat. I can monitor what she is listening to (because I load it), limit the volume decibels, and use it for her books on CD - which by the way her and I both are addicted to. Dont get me wrong, I still think it is sooooo important to read to her - and I enjoy doing so. I am embracing the times of modern technology, but is my daughter going to miss out on things? Will she ever know about passing a note in class or know the joys of the library? The smells of the books and newly sharpened pencils? Or will she just jump straight on the internet to help her get homework done? Is this normal to feel so worried about technology taking away from the good times she could have doing things the "old fashion" way?
PS She has an akward face in this picture only because she is busy talking about her new shuffle while I am taking her picture.
Believe me....I feel nostalgic for the old days when technology was much more simple and we actually wrote a letter or picked up the phone when we wanted to talk to someone.
It drives me crazy the way teenagers text and Facebook to conduct their social life. We are forever bugging Chris about it, and having to take his laptop away.
That's the other thing, it 24/7 technology...always someone to talk to, always something to be entertained by. It does make it hard for them to "disconnect" from it and face reality.
I think the shuffle is a fine idea, we had music when we were little. 8 track tapes and record players??? hahahaha
Yeah...I am old!!!
How cute! Portia uses our Ipod too, but mainly to watch movies on airplanes/road trips. It is so funny how technologically (sp?) advanced kids are these days. Remember when no-one had computers or cell phones?
I've been meaning to get your address so we can send you a thank you note for Portia's Christmas gift. Can you email your address to me? Thekippers@live.com - thanks!
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