What the hell? Why are we having a inauguration concert when we are having a huge economic slump? And why are people rocking out and dancing on top of the Lincoln Memorial?
My heart is aching while I'm being tortured by this atrocious behavior. I'm at work and have no choice on what goes on the television. And now I have read that a cable network has purchased the rights to the actual inauguration? Seriously? Now our history has a price? I'm thinking about moving to Canada.
Instead of my tax payment I think I'm going to mail the government my concert wish list since that appears to be the business they are now in .
I could go on and on about how disapointed I am in this whole debaucle, but I have to stop or I am going to give myself an anruism.


Is it good or bad? I find myself asking that often. In my work environment it is wonderful - it can't be fast or good enough (as I am sure is the case with most of you). In my personal life such as keeping up with friends and family it is a little of both. I used to love to get letters in the mail from a friend or risk passing a note in class with the possibility of it getting intercepted by a teacher. And a hand written letter was so personable, I knew that my friend took time writing it to me, as I did he or she. But, on the other hand if I want to send my hubby a quick " I love you " I can and with in seconds have a response via text. Or if I'm lost in the concrete jungle my phone can tell me where I am going and how to get there. (Seriously, my phone has some killer stuff on it.)

When it comes to raising our children is this technology better? I'm sure this question is debated lots of places by plenty. The reason I have really been kicking this around is because yesterday my husband and I got our 4 almost 5 year old daughter an ipod shuffle. This thing is pretty neat. I can monitor what she is listening to (because I load it), limit the volume decibels, and use it for her books on CD - which by the way her and I both are addicted to. Dont get me wrong, I still think it is sooooo important to read to her - and I enjoy doing so. I am embracing the times of modern technology, but is my daughter going to miss out on things? Will she ever know about passing a note in class or know the joys of the library? The smells of the books and newly sharpened pencils? Or will she just jump straight on the internet to help her get homework done? Is this normal to feel so worried about technology taking away from the good times she could have doing things the "old fashion" way?
PS She has an akward face in this picture only because she is busy talking about her new shuffle while I am taking her picture.

One last Christmas Picture

I know, all Christmas decorations are put away and we are all trying to move on into the new year.  But I had to.  I just skipped all of December because we had so much going on, but I couldn't resist putting this in.  We had a Christmas party at the house with Mr & Mrs Clause.  The girls had such a good time.  I can honestly say it was one of my most favorite Christmas's ever!